A Hand Powered spring-return positive displacement pump designed to generate High Static Liquid Pressures. Compact in size, minimal weight and ability to operate in many environments.
Key Features
- Easy to use
- No external power source required
- Can be supplied for Single-stage or 2-stage operation
- Low manual effort required to develop pressures up to 25,000psi (1724 bar)
- Very fine control of output pressure increase with part-stroke capability
- Standard models are suitable for oil or water applications
- Ideal for small volume pressure testing
- Proven reliability, easy to maintain and robust
Hand Pump Series
The Hydratron Hand Pump Series Liquid Pump is a hand-powered spring-return reciprocating, positive displacement pump designed to generate High Static Liquid Pressures in a closed system where no other power source is required.
The pressure increase is made possible by means of the area ratio between the larger diameter hand-drive piston directly connected to a smaller diameter liquid plunger. These pumps are typically used when smaller volumes are to be pressure tested or actuated and the user prefers a “hand-lever” feel to the application or when no air power is available. Normally used with water or oil, many other fluids can be pumped depending on seal material options used. All Models can easily be incorporated into easy to operate Standard System hydraulic power units.

All Stainless Steel wetted parts with nitrile seals as standard.
1,000 to 25,000 PSI
Optimal for Small Volume Testing
Suitable for Oil or Water Applications
Easily Maintained
Simple to set automatic controls
No external power required
Models & Performance
Scroll to see full tableModel Single Pump Units: Max Output Pressure Displacement/Cycle Data Sheet Psi Bar Cu Ins cc’s HP10 1,000 69 3.0 49.2 Download HP30 3,000 207 1.0 16.3 Download HP50 5,000 345 0.6 9.2 Download HP100 10,000 690 0.3 4.9 Download HP150 15,000 1,034 0.2 2.7 Download HP250 25,000 1,724 0.1 1.9 Download
Scroll to see full tableModel Dual Pump Units: Max Output Pressure Pump Displacement/Cycle Data Sheet Psi Bar Pump Cu Ins cc’s HP10/50 5,000 345 LP
9.2Download HP10/100 10,000 690 LP
4.9Download HP10/150 15,000 1,034 LP
2.7Download HP50/250 25,000 1,724 LP